Tawaf Al-Qudum [The Arrival Tawaf]

The pilgrim stops the Talbiyyah and faces the Black Stone. He has four options in order of merit and depending on what is possible for him without fighting, quarrelling, and harming others: He touches the Black Stone with his right hand and kisses the Black Stone;
He touches it with his right hand and kisses the hand;
He touches it with a stick, if it is safe for others, and kisses the stick. This, in reality, may be impossible or may not be permitted!
He points at it with the palm of his right hand, but he should not kiss his hand [as he has made no physical contact with the Black Stone]. As he does so, he says:

               « بسم اللَّهللَّه أكبر «.

         “In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest.”

  • He completes the seven rounds of the Tawaf around the Ka’abah, starting and ending each round at the Black Stone. Each time he comes to and aligns himself with the Black Stone, he does any of the four options above, saying “Allahu Akbar”
  • During the first three of the seven rounds, males do Al-Ramal [i.e. move at a jogging pace with short, quick steps].
  • During all the seven rounds, males also do Al-Idtiba’a [i.e. expose their right shoulders by putting the middle of the ihram under their right armpits and wrapping its two ends over and covering their left shoulders]. Once they have finished the seven rounds, they should cover up their shoulders.
  • In all the seven rounds a pilgrim should not touch any other part of the Ka’abah whilst making the Tawaf, except Al-Rukn Al- Yamani [no. 9 in the diagram]. Whenever he comes to and aligns himself with it, he should only touch it with his right hand. He should neither say “Allahu Akbar” nor kiss his hand afterwards. If it is impossible for him to touch it, he should proceed on without pointing at it.
  • There are no specific supplications received from the Prophet [s.a.w.s] for the pilgrim to make during Tawaf. Therefore, the pilgrim may do Dhikr, any supplication that pleases him, or recite the Qur’an. Whatever he chooses to do, he should do it in a subdued voice so that he does not harass, harm, or confuse other pilgrims doing the Tawaf. And he should not be part of a chorus.
  • However, it is recommended, in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet [s.a.w.s], that the pilgrim should recite the following supplication between Al-Rukn Al-Yamani and the Black Stone:

               « رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فيِ الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفيِ الآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّار «.

Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire." [Al-Baqarah 2:201]

  • The pilgrim [male pilgrim with his shoulders henceforth covered] proceeds to Maqamah Ibrahim [no. 7 in the diagram], and recites:

            «خِذُواْ مِن مَّقَامِ إِبرَْاهِيمَ مُصَلى «.

    And take from the standing place of Abraham a place of prayer.” [Al-Baqarah 2:125]
  • He stands behind and close to it where possible, facing the Ka’abah, and prays two raka’ahs. In the first raka’ah, he reads after Al-Fatihah Suratul Kafiroon; in the second raka’ah, he read Suratul Ikhlas after Al-Fatihah. If it proves difficult to stand behind and close to it, the pilgrim should perform these two raka’ahs anywhere else in the Mosque.
  • After the prayer at Muqam Ibrahim, the pilgrim goes to drink Zamzam water and pour it over his head, as the Prophet [s.a.w.s] did. The Prophet [s.a.w.s] said: “Zamzam water satisfies the purpose for which it has been drunk.”
  • The pilgrim faces the Ka’abah and drinks the Zamzam water to his satisfaction, supplicating Allah for good of this life and that of afterlife; and by seeking His protection from the evils of this life and the afterlife.
  • The pilgrim returns to the Black Stone and, if possible, he says “Allahu Akbar” and touches it. If not possible, without pointing at it, he turns and heads for the Sa’ay between Al-Safa and Al- Marwa.